At Renovatio Bikes we use the best quality cleaning products from the best brands in the industry. We have two stages to provide the best wash service money can afford:
Stage 1
removal of dirt and grime from the drive train and any mechanical part and component areas
washing off any other dirt from the rest of your service item
wire brushing off as much corrosion and rust as possible
Stage 2
cloth and air-drying
foam spray on tyres
spray and polish for continued protection until the next wash
disk brake and brake components are cleaned in the end to allow optimal and effective grease-free braking
Washing bikes at Renovatio Bikes includes and is not limited to the above and includes:
ultrasonic cleaning
wire brushing off as much corrosion and rust as possible
sanding and smoothing areas affected by corrosion/rust then applying degreaser and alcoholic based cleaners to affected areas to prep for repaint/respray with basic colors
a full restoration or respray/re-coloring of items